
+48 22 820 91 51


Current restrictions

Social distance and face masks

  • Movement restrictions:

1.5 meters – the minimum distance between pedestrians

Obligation to maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters between pedestrians.

The following are excluded from this obligation:

  • parents with children requiring care (up to 13 years of age),
  • people living together or running a farm,
  • people with a certificate of disability, people with a certificate of disability, people with a certificate of need for special education, people who are unable to move independently and their guardians.

Covering the mouth and nose only with a mask

Covering the mouth and nose in confined spaces is mandatory throughout the country.

Only cover the nose and mouth with a mask. Scarves, visors and dishes are not allowed because they do not fulfill their primary function, i.e. they do not protect against the virus!

The mouth and nose must be covered, for example:

  • on the premises of shared properties (e.g. in the staircase),
  • on buses, trams and trains,
  • in a shop, shopping mall, bank, market and post office,
  • at the workplace, if there is more than 1 person in the room (unless the employer decides otherwise),
  • at the workplace during direct customer / applicant service,
  • in the cinema and theater,
  • at a doctor’s, clinic, hospital, massage and tattoo parlor,
  • in the church and school, at the university
  • in offices and other public buildings (in court, cultural institutions, banks, post offices, etc.)
  • From 1.11, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose will be introduced in schools and universities during breaks between lessons and classes, unless otherwise decided by the head of the entity.


Where do you not need to cover your mouth and nose?

In the open air, in the forest, park, greenery, botanical gardens, historic gardens, on roads and squares, in cemeteries, promenades, boulevards, parking places for vehicles, forest parking lots, in family allotments and on the beach, and during private travel by car, motorcycle, quadricycle, moped, at the workplace to eat.


  • Meetings and events


All types of meetings may be attended by up to 150 people. Participants are required to keep 1.5 m away from other people. In addition, the distance between gatherings must not be less than 100 m.

Attention! From December 1, change of the current limit – max. 100 people.


Up to 150 people can participate in outdoor events and meetings, either in the premises or in a dedicated food area. There is a distance between the tables (every second table can be occupied, the distance between the tables must be at least 1.5 m – unless there is a partition at least 1 m high between them, counting from the table surface)

Attention! From December 1, change of the current limit – max. 100 people.

The limit does not apply to people fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Weddings, communions, consolations and other celebrations

You can organize special events outside and inside (e.g. in a restaurant). There is a limit of people – max. 150. Such events could take place in strict sanitary regime. There is a distance between the tables (every second table can be occupied, the distance between the tables must be at least 1.5 m – unless there is a partition at least 1 m high between them, counting from the surface of the table).

The limit does not apply to people fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Attention! From December 1, change of the current limit – max. 100 people.

For more informations please click HERE

New restrictions for Christmas

The changes will apply from December 28 to January 17, i.e. until the end of the previously announced school break.

Vaccinations against Covid-19

The registration process for the universal vaccination of Poles against COVID-19 will begin on January 15.

From March 20, extended safety rules apply throughout Poland

Safety rules in all provinces.