Legnicka 48 A-K
54-202 Wroclaw
Legnicka 48 A-K
54-202 Wroclaw
The following buses: 119, 122, 128, 129, 140, 243, 251, 253, 257, 259, 319, 403, 607 and the following trams: 3, 10, 20, 31, 32, 33 stop within a few hundred meters of the Business Garden.
You will get to Poznań and Warsaw from here. The Mikołajów railway station is only a few minutes’ walk from the Business Garden and it offers direct connections with the largest Polish towns.
From the city centre, suburbs and the world. There is no direction which would be far-off. Easy, you can get to the airport in 15 minutes, and to the highway in 7 minutes.
Europe is only a quarter of an hour away. The Business Garden is 10 kilometers away from the airport offering regular flights to more than 30 European towns.
Legnicka 48 A-K
54-202 Wroclaw